Tuesday, August 25, 2009 § 0

So one big thing with this blog is to show my work (at all levels). So far you've only seen "personal" work, or the kind that is made to express ideas of my own, or campaigns of groups I belong to (by the way the work in my last post was made for a campaign that promotes diversity tolerance).

Now, as I think about my professional future I want to put together an Advertising portfolio. HUGO (BOSS) has a contest going on that encourages creative people around the world to design an advertisement based on the shape of the HUGO fragrance bottle and the theme is "simplicity."

I decided to give it a try, but I've been having a tough time capturing what "simplicity" means in terms of visual communication. These are some of the drafts I've made so far. All from scratch. No templates.

What's this?

You are currently reading HUGO...CREATE at THIS IS SERGIO.


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